Spring, the cherry blossom season has come!

Spring, the cherry blossom season has come!


The four seasons are clearly distinct in Japan. It was getting warmer from middle of March, the number of the day which is more than 20 degrees celsius is increased as the same as last year.
The weather of recent days is just like “Spring is here!”, the cherry blossoms comes out in Tokyo as well.


My residence is in the downtown area, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom even around my place.
Cherry trees are often planted around parks, streams, and riversides. So, many people are enjoying cherry-blossom viewing on the weekend.

Also the weather was nice in these days, so I went cycling along the riverside after having a lunch in family-oriented Japanese restaurant where I often go.

My favorite Japanese restaurant

It is on main street, so easy find

Because it is located near my place, and many tasty Japanese meals are provided, but not too formal, so I often go to “Aiya”.
There are not only usual table seats, but also tables with “horigotatsu-seating”(sunken floor), so I guess you can enjoy the atmosphere of Japanese.

Calories are listed on the menu


I was waiting for you!

What I ordered is “assorted seafood rice bowl”.
It is recommended because there are plenty of fresh seafood on the bowl, and a lot of small dishes are also coming.
This meal is also enough amount. The taste of each dish is also good, and it makes me feel happy when I eat this!
Please note, since this meal is served with quantity limitation, it may be sold out often.


Cycling along Arakawa riverside

The road is well paved and it is easy to cycle

After lunch, I cycled to Arakawa direction on the main road for about 15 minutes and arrived at Arakawa riverside.
When I started to cycling along Arakawa riverside, since it was a fine day, I passed a log of people who cycling, walking.

I was doing it when I was a child. Brings back memories…

And there are many ball game ground for soccer and baseball along Arakawa riverside.
Soccer is popular in Japan, but baseball is also popular, and children, adults… a lot of people enjoyed sports this day.
I belonged to the baseball team when I was in elementary school. At that time, I cycled to this ball game ground and practiced baseball on weekends.

Recently I don’t have enough exercise, so I feel it would be nice to come riverside and having exercise if weather is fine.
The amount of Rental bicycle is increased in Japan, so if you come to downtown area, it could be also good to rent a bicycle and cycling along Arakawa riverside.

Have a nice day!

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